I Read A Book! What I’m Reading Now …

I have a few new favorite books. I thought I’d let you in on them. And please, tell me about your favorites, too.

My books. Kid’s books. Everyone’s mess.

I just finished Levi Lusko‘s Through the Eyes of a Lion. For the average person this book would be a fairly quick read. For the person who has lost a child, me, this book took longer than it should have. I cried on every single page and had to stop every few pages just to catch my breath. Levi was in my head. He wrote words no one else knew except my husband and God. But, this book is for more than the person who has lost a child. It is for those who are challenged to be more in this life, those who know God will use whatever their hurt or challenge is in this broken world. Our God has a home ready for us and he wants us to tell others about it. Let’s seek that homeland together. (Re: page 150 and Hebrews 11:13-14) Are you ready to get on board with using your pain for more? This book is one of my favorites, even though I cried throughout it. (Disclaimer: crying isn’t too difficult for me these days.)

I’ve been reading off and on Unbroken Faith by Diane Dokko Kim. The special needs books and all things disability was once my happy place. Now, the reminder of what once was hurts. I am trying desperately to get back to that place I know so well to help others walking the road we walked back and forth for so long. We know it upside down and backwards and can help. So can Diane’s book if you are starting that road yourself. It’s a really great guide.

Speaking of disability, my friend Sandra Peoples wrote an amazing handbook for those of us in the special needs world titled, Unexpected Blessings. Sandra knows the ins and outs of this life not only because she has a child with autism, but because she grew up as a sibling in this world. She gets it. And I get to call her friend.

I just started 100 Days to Brave by Annie Downs. It’s been out for a while and I put it on our wishlist for the teenagers going through pediatric cancer. But it just came out in Target stores (the Mothership and reason I leave the house) only with a pink linen cover. So, naturally, I suddenly needed one for myself. It’s high time I put some brave on this face, anyway. I opened the book randomly to a page just to check it out. Here’s what it gave me: “Why perseverance matters.” And then it went on to give me the Bible verse in Romans 5:3-5 about glory in our sufferings producing perseverance. She ends the devotion reminding me of hope. She reminds me of the hope I have in Jesus and that is a hope worth fighting for. Okay, God, I’m in. (Also, check Annie out on Instagram. Hilarious.)

What are you reading these days? Give me some good fiction recommendations. What is God teaching you? Here’s some more on my to-do list:

That Bonhoeffer thing is so big it scares me. Haven’t even opened it yet … So far behind on that One Year Bible. I’m sorry, Pastors.

Song on Repeat: Tim Timmons // Like I’ve Been Changed (Also hilarious on the Instagram)

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